Monday, January 31, 2011

11 more months!

YEAHHHHH!!! I have successfully completed one whole month of taking pictures of my boys. It is wonderful to see their expressions. Tonight, Hunter wanted an apple so badly he was in tears. I guess that is a good thing. He loves fruit. Now if I could only get him to eat more green vegetables that would be awesome. He likes avocados (in guacamole), baby corn, asparagus, zuchinni (in small increments), and edamame. I can never get him to eat it in large quantities though. Maybe when Landon starts eating solid foods, Hunter will take an interest again. I got this cute shot of Landon admiring his big brother. His eyes just follow him wherever he goes. It is too funny!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Brushing Teeth and a Box

Day 30...almost a whole month. Phew! Well today did not go as planned. I was supposed to do a photo shoot down at the beach and it decided to RAIN!!! Boo!!! Oh well, we rescheduled for the 12th. It was a crazy day. I snapped this one of Hunter as Tony was doing the bedtime routine with him. Brush teeth, bath, coins in the Buzz bank, books, and bedtime. He is such a little ham. While Tony was giving him a bath, I decided to put Landon in this adorable box (which I also have in pink). He wasn't liking it too much. Can you tell by his face? I don't blame him though. Hopefully, we will get some nice weather this week.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Haircuts and Pooped Out!

Day 29 and 336 to go! LOL!!!! We made the mistake of taking Hunter to get his haircut without him having a nap. CRAZY!!! We had to pull out all the tricks to get through the 25 minute haircut. We had to get the Imagination Movers DVD out of the car, a lollipop, and bubbles. That is what it took. The lady at Cool Cuts for Kids was really patient. Hunter was having no part of it. He eventually calmed down after about 10 minutes of the Movers. Haircuts for Hunter are hit and miss. Landon on the other hand is just as peaceful as can be. He fell asleep on the car ride home from getting Hunter's haircut and picking up the dogs from the groomers. We are looking forward to the beach tomorrow. I should be able to get some great pictures.

Friday, January 28, 2011

No More Pictures and a Cutie!

Day 28....When we got home today, the first thing Hunter asked me "mama we go outside to play my basket game?" Which means mama do you want to come outside and bounce the basketball with me? How could I resist? I took him outside for a little while and I thought I should take pictures while I'm out there. Well, I got out the ball and then turned on my camera. Hunter then says "Mama no pictures. Put your picture on the table. Play my basket game." Wow! If he only realized that there is going to be another 337 days of me taking his picture.Well it is more like a lifetime. LOL!

 Landon is doing so much better. He loved his tummy time. He kept rolling back and forth. Now only if I could catch him doing it.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Nectarines and Boogies!

Day 27...Hunter loves nectarines. Although, he calls them apples. His face is just priceless. I love that he asks for fruit as a snack. Tony and I try to set good examples for him. The only bad part about nectarines are the seeds. We definitely have to watch him eat it towards the end. 

Landon is doing so much BETTER. Lots of clear boogies. This also means that I have to suction them out and he absolutely HATES it. I feel bad. Tony never has to do it. I look like the bad guy. But then after I am done, Landon gives me that look that says "thank you, I can breathe better."  

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Plastic Food and Runny Noses

Day 26....I decided to take my pictures a lot earlier tonight. The last two nights have been trying with Landon possibly having croup. He slept okay but I got up everytime I heard him cough. Luckily, the seal cough was just for one day and it has now transformed into a more normal cough and throw in a runny nose. He sounds so much better....thank goodness.

When we got home today, Hunter wanted to cook me something in his new kitchen that he got for Christmas from Nana. He asked me "mama are you hungy (hungry)?" He offered me coffee, waffles, and sausage. It is funny how kids pick up on routines. Every morning, daddy makes his coffee, we make Hunter a waffle, and I microwave myself a D-lights breakfast sandwich that has egg, cheese, and sausage. PRICELESS. It is little moments like this that melt the heart. After that, he decided to make sauce in his pot. He was putting all the spices. Hilarious. It was delicious!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dancing and a Sick Baby

Hunter is so much fun. He just loves the Imagination Movers. He went up to Tony while he was on the computer and said "Dada play music." Tony thought he would be slick and play Cake. Hunter said "No not that one." kid. I am not a Cake fan either...sorry Tony. He put on the Imagination Movers playlist and Hunter busted out the moves.

 Landon has croup. Although, today it seems better. His cough sounds less like a barking seal and more like a normal cough. Poor little guy. He is still in good spirits.  It is hard for us moms because when they are so little there is not much we can do for them, except LOVE them. Which isn't hard to do.


Monday, January 24, 2011

5 months old and pickles!

My little guy turned 5 months old today and we found out he has croup :( It is an awful feeling knowing that there is nothing you can really do except wait it out. Tonight is going to be a long night. He sounds like a little barking seal. Hunter never had this kind of cough. Tony took him to the fever, chest and lungs were clear, no ear infection. Just a nasty sounding cough. Cold air and humidifiers for us tonight. They said it typically lasts only 2-5 days. Other than the cough he is still the happy baby...which is good.

As for Hunter, Tony thought it would be funny to teach him show mama your pickle. No not that pickle. LOL! SEAFOOD....SEE FOOD!  

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Day 23....Unfortunately, neither my team or my husband's team will be in the Super Bowl this year (although my team was closest...COLTS!) that doesn't stop us from watching the remainder of the play-offs. Hunter loves his football. Luckily, it is an inflatable one that doesn't do any damage to people or furniture. Landon looks like he is doing bicep curls on his activity mat. It was a great weekend. I am looking forward to next weekend...heading to the beach!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Two quick ones!

Day 22....Today was a busy day! I had a baby shower to go to and then we went to Victoria Gardens because the weather was so NICE!!! I took these just a few minutes ago. Hunter was getting ready for his bath (which Daddy almost always does...thank goodness). He runs around the house saying "naked baby." He is wearing his diaper which makes it kind of funny. With Landon, I put on Hunter's cowboy hat just to see how big it was. He tried to pull it off several times and was almost successful.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Driving my Car!

Day 21...and only 344 to go. LOL. Crazy. I must be. This has been a project for sure. But like I have said before I LOVE IT!!! I wish I would have done this sooner with Hunter. It will neat to see how they both transform over the next 344 days. Today was another beautiful day and luckily there were no winds. Hunter and I spent some good quality time outside. We blew bubbles, bounced the basketball, kicked the soccer ball, and then Hunter wanted to go driving in my car. He wanted me to sit with him. I had to tell him that I wouldn't fit. He didn't seem to mind though. As for Landon, I got this shot of him sitting in Hunter's little
chair...welll, it is more like slouching.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pick a Winner!

Day 20....Tony tried to convince me not to put up this picture of Hunter. I think it is great. What can be better than a 2 year old picking their nose? Tony said it wasn't flattering. I tried to explain to him that not every picture of the boys is going to be a happy one. There might be a sad one or a gross one in this case. Landon is perfectly content laying on his mat. In this picture he was attempting to roll from his back to his stomach. Looking forward to a great weekend, with great weather. We are going to to go take some pictures....somewhere.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First time on a REAL HORSE!!

Day 19 brought a first for Hunter. Hunter got to sit on his papa's horse. The horse is kept at my grandma's house. We went over to my grandma's house today to celebrate her 86th birthday. Frank had Hunter help him with the horse. He got to sit on him and feed him carrots. As you can tell by his face he wasn't to sure about the whole real horse thing. He was probably thinking "Mama, these are not like the horses we ride at Disneyland." LOL!!! Next on the list is to dress him up in his cowboy hat, boots, jeans, and his plaid shirt. Maybe this weekend. As for Landon, I snapped a picture of his precious little face while his papa was holding him. Luckily, papa didn't put him to sleep.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wonderful Day 18

Today was a rough day at work and when I got home we had to get stuff ready for the Salvation Army to pick up tomorrow. I (WE) are way too BUSY to have another yard sale. But I whipped out my camera and got my two shots of my boys. Tony scared the poop out of Landon tonight (while demonstrating a co-worker's reaction to a video clip on you-tube). Landon was crying hysterically. The picture of Landon is Tony trying to redeem himself. Hunter is sporting his new cowboy hat from Nana.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 17

It was a wonderful day off with my boys. Hunter had fun playing on his slide in the backyard. We were playing peek-a-boo when I got this shot. What a sweet face.

 Landon got to experience his jumperoo for the first time today. I tried to catch him rolling from his back to his tummy but he would do it when I left the room. He still can't reach the floor. My husband put a pillow underneath to help him out a little. He really liked the duckies.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Toms Farm Fun!!

Day 16....Another beautiful day in Southern California. It was absolutely amazing. We loaded up the kids and headed down to Toms Farm in Corona. Hunter had fun running around with his cousin, Isabella. I was able to catch a few moments that were just precious. This was my favorite shot of the day. Landon was tuckered out from all the excitement. We shall see what tomorrow brings. I have tomorrow off. That is one of the perks of being a teacher...we get all the holidays off!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bubbles and girls!!!

Today was such a BEAUTIFUL DAY!!! Day 15...what fun. I met a good friend down at the park and had a blast. Hunter just loves bubbles. It was a great way to get him smiling. I might use this trick for more good shots with little ones. You can't see Madison (who will be one in March), but that is who Landon was looking at. She was all over him. It was pretty funny. She thought she was bigger then she really is. It was a fun day. I look forward to tomorrow.

Friday, January 14, 2011

2 DOWN 50 TO GO!!

I have successfully completed 2 whole weeks of my 365 project. Only 351 more days of this. Unless I decide to do it for 14 years like the people on the news did. Tonight I had to take a quick snapshot of Hunter because my mom was kidnapping him for the night. So, as he was watching The Imagination Movers, he gave me his squishy face. I love it!!

Yet another picture of Landon with drool rolling down his chin. But still cute!!! I am looking forward to getting some better shots this weekend. Hopefully, this darn wind will calm down. It is seriously scaring me.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


DAY 13.....I have decided to separate my 365 project and my other photography page. They are completely different. My 365 project is more for me, my friends, and my family. It is daily shots of my two handsome boys, Hunter and Landon. They usually are random shots that I get since the day is so chaotic when I get home. Like I said before, I will try and take a great shot of them at least once a week, probably on the weekends. Tonight, Hunter was in a much better mood. Well, at least until he slammed his little fingers in the closet door. No worries. The Buzz Lightyear ice pack saved the day.

Landon is just soooo MELLOW!!! I am so lucky to have had two easy going boys. Hunter gets a little wound up sometimes but that is normal he is a 2 year old boy.

If you want to see more of my more visit my other blog Danielle Odom Photography or my Facebook Page Danielle Odom Photography. Thank you. Have a wonderful evening!