Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Stuffed Animals Frenzy!

Day 74...Today, I captured a moment of Hunter during bedtime. It is a routine that cracks me up. When Hunter goes to bed he has to have every stuffed animal that he owns with him: Buzz, Woody, Baby Woody, Rex, the doggy, the birdie. Did I miss anything? Tony has to wait for Hunter to completely fall asleep before he carefully pulls them off of him. The funny thing is, in the morning when he walks out to the front half asleep, he is holding one of the stuffed animals. Landon also had an obsession with stuffed animals. Well, actually just one. It used to be Hunter's. He was trying to eat it.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Diapers and Towels

Day 73....I am making this short and sweet because the Bachelor Finale is on. Lame...I know. But I am HOOKED. Landon found a diaper, a clean one, on the floor. He finds just about anything and everything. Hunter is fresh out of the bath in his monster towel. That's it...back to my show.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Day 72...We took a short trip to Disneyland. One of the benefits of having a pass is that you do not feel obligated to stay from open to close. We figured that it was a nice day and we needed a little break. It was a beautiful day. Hunter had so much fun riding the rides and meeting a few friends. I thought that he might be a little freaked out by the characters. I was wrong. He walked right up to Goofy, Pluto, and Mr. Incredible and gave them all hugs, no hesitation. It was great. Landon had a blast too, I think. Although, he didn't meet any characters.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sneaky and Sleepy

Day 71...As I was editing pictures from a photo shoot, Mr. Sneaky, AKA Hunter, was licking frosting from a cupcake on the table. It was pretty funny. He didn't want the cake part, just the frosting. He walks into the office with a glob of white frosting on his index finger and says "look mama!" He was very proud of his accomplishment of stading on his tiptoes and reaching to get the frosting. Landon was...you guessed it....SLEEPING. Although, it wasn't for very long. He started whimpering when he realized that noone was near him.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Rockin' Out

Day 70...Craziness I tell...craziness. Hunter was running around like a mad man, rockin out on his plastic guitar. He was crouching down. It was hilarious. Then he would run around the couch and then immediately stop and get in the guitar stance. He gets this serious face with his lips puckered. The sounds he makes are pretty comical too. Landon was looking at him like "what the heck is his problem?" I don't blame him though. I had to take two quick shots because my mom picked them up so Tony and I could have a much needed date night. That is also why this post is so early too. I don't want to have to worry about this later. Wink-Wink.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bathtime and Huh???

Day 69...Take I snapped a shot of Hunter during bathtime. He is so stinkin' cute. Landon on the other hand was rolling around on his mat playing peek-a-boo with me. It was pretty funny. Short and sweet!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Girl scout cookies and a runny nose

Day 68...My mom calls me at 3:15 saying she "kidnapped" Hunter from daycare when she picked up my niece, who also goes to the same daycare. Okay. That means I had to scramble to get today's pictures in. Hunter enjoyed his first Girl Scout Cookies today, thank you Miss Nina. At least they were the healthiest one...I think. The name is besides me right now. Landon, oh Landon. He was so attached today. Every time I would leave the room he would freak out. This is the picture I got of his little face, red eyes and runny nose. He was crying hysterically. When I came back in the room all smiles.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

SHHH and Roar

Day 67...Well, my boys couldn't be more oppposite today. Hunter was loud and Landon was a sleeping angel. Although, Hunter still isn't nearly as loud as my niece. LOL. Steph if you are reading this...sorry. But it is the truth. I don't know who she takes after. Hmmmm....not her mom. Maybe her auntie. Hunter was getting ready for his bedtime routine with daddy. Brushing teeth, bath, books, and nighty night. When he was brushing his teeth he started covering his face. He said "mama no pictures." All while he was laughing. Landon fell asleep on the floor. He tuckered himself out trying to grab everything that Hunter had taken out.

Monday, March 7, 2011

A Doggy and a Race Car!

Day 66...Well, we took a trip to Lowe's to get a new shower head. The one we have doesn't move and that was ANNOYING! Anyways. Hunter knows that at Lowe's he gets to ride in the race car. This was the smile he gave me as he drove us around the store.

Landon is just mesmerized by Hunter's talking toy dog. He kept on looking at the blinking collar. He would roll just to see it.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


I am a SLACKER. I totally forgot to post my pictures to the blog yesterday. I was so busy editing pictures from a senior photo session yesterday and trying to get the pictures of my boys up, that it totally slipped my mind.  So, I am posting both days.

Day 64:  During dinner, Hunter was once again telling us the animal sounds. The hilarious part is that the monkey, the ducky, the snake, the pig, the dog, and the cat all have distinct sounds, meaning you can understand. The tiger, the lion, and the bear....it gets a little shady. They all kind of sound the same. The roar gets angrier. The funny thing is that the bear actually sounds the scariest. Landon was going to town on his little hand. Those teeth are coming in. He hates pacifiers. But loves his thumb. Hunter was the same way though.

Day 65: Hunter has my genes. He is definitely a mini me. He SWEATS! He was running around all day and it looks like he just took a shower. Landon on the other hand, was rolling to check out his big brother. Hunter was making a lot of noise. Landon was intrigued by all the commotion.

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Golden Spoon and A Flashlight!

Day 63...TGIF!!! It was a crazy stressful week at work. What better way to treat myself...golden spoon frozen yogurt. DELICIOUS, is what Hunter said. It is nonfat too! Not that it would have mattered. I would've had a bowl of fattening rocky road ice cream too. Don't knock me. It is my treat since I don't really drink (nursing...duh!) I am not one to pump and dump. That stuff is liquid gold, not to be wasted. LOL!!! Anyways. I got this shot of Hunter eating his very own frozen yogurt. Although, I am slightly irritated. What flavors are the staple flavors that every ice cream/frozen yogurt place should have.....chocolate, vanilla, and......STRAWBERRY! The one by our house didn't have strawberrry. SERIOUSLY! How can you not have strawberry, but you can have graham cracker. GRRRRR!!! Back to Hunter. He only had a few bites and then was more interested in mine because it had strawberry topping. While we were enjoying our ice cream, Landon was enjoying playing with Hunter's flashlight. Hunter wasn't having that. So, Hunter went to Landon's toy basket and got him his doggy and then gently took the flashlight back.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Harmonica and Landon

Day 62: It has been a day. I am so stressed out from work. I teach sixth grade, need I say more. I love my job, don't get me wrong. What I don't love are sixth graders who feel like it is okay to be blatantly disrespectful and defiant, and yet feel entitled to everything under the sun. Anyways! But, when I get home, I get to see these two precious faces. They are my world. Hunter was cracking me up with his harmonica. He actually is getting much better at it. Although at one point he did put it in his mouth the wrong way. If he is not playing his guitar, he is playing with his drumsticks and finding anything to hit with them. And now he has the harmonica. Maybe we have a future Grammy winner??? LOL! Only time will tell. Landon...what can I say ADORABLE. I dressed him in his "my aunt rocks" shirt that my sister bought for him. He is happy just chillin' on the floor. I love these boys!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Movers Poster and a Shorty!

Day 61...Hunter absolutely loves all of his Movers souvenirs from the concert on Saturday. They gave out this mini poster as we were walking out the door. This poster goes with him everywhere...bed, the car, wherever. Along with the wobble goggles and drumsticks. He loves his movers. Landon is my little shorty. He is not tall enough to reach the ground in his jumper. I have to put a pillow under his feet. It doesn't help that he is not chunky either. He still has fun anyway. I also realized tonight that his second tooth is coming in on the bottom. I am hoping to get a picture soon.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Drumsticks and On the Move!

Day 60...Here we go, really quick. I am exhausted. A couple of my sixth graders just are mentally draining. Anyways! Back to my pride and joy...my boys. Hunter is just obsessed with anything having to do with the Imagination Movers. At the concert on Saturday, we bought him these light up "drumsticks." He will not put them down! I am pretty sure the batteries are going to die soon. However, they can be replaced. Landon on the other hand...is all over the place. He is a baby on the move. When I lay him down on the carpet he is rolling and scooting all over. He usually gets himself stuck because he ends up next to the couch or his swing. It is hilarious. I got this shot of him as he got himself in between his playmat and Hunter's little chair.