Friday, March 11, 2011

Rockin' Out

Day 70...Craziness I tell...craziness. Hunter was running around like a mad man, rockin out on his plastic guitar. He was crouching down. It was hilarious. Then he would run around the couch and then immediately stop and get in the guitar stance. He gets this serious face with his lips puckered. The sounds he makes are pretty comical too. Landon was looking at him like "what the heck is his problem?" I don't blame him though. I had to take two quick shots because my mom picked them up so Tony and I could have a much needed date night. That is also why this post is so early too. I don't want to have to worry about this later. Wink-Wink.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Hunter's face is priceless!! It totally made me laugh out loud!
    And Landon is just as cute as ever : )
